The state of research in mentoring and coaching
European Mentoring and Coaching Council put the 2013 congress proceedings online.
European Mentoring and Coaching Council put the 2013 congress proceedings online.
Rebalancing and long-term growth in the Carnegie’s analysis.
Springer has published a new book: “A guide to third generation coaching“.
August 28 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1963 march Martin Luther King led. A few reflections from a non-profit viewpoint.
The Elon Musk’s new challange beyond Paypal and Tesla: Hyperloop travel system.
A study about how much time leaders waste by emailing.
A review concerning collaboration from a scientific point of view.
Brookings debates Obama’s speech and reported Harvard and Barkeley data analysis.
Innovation isn’t an idea problem. It is due to problem recognition, HBR says.
Nell’ultimo numero di Foreign Affairs รจ stato pubblicato un articolo su due punti di vista diversi, se non antitetici, sulla ripresa e sull’economia in genere.… Leggi tutto »Confucio vs Keynes: diversi approcci alla ripresa